Hearing Blog

Adults should get regular hearing checkups

November 18, 2022

If the human body came with Care & Maintenance instructions, today’s recommendation from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) would certainly be on them.   It’d be right in there to have your teeth cleaned and checked annually; visit your general practitioner for physicals and blood work; get vaccinated from diseases; exercise; eat fruits and vegetables; drink plenty of water and, of course, “do not dry clean.”   The recommendation makes sense. Our hearing is tightly tied ...

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Tips for Helping a Loved One

November 10, 2022

Firstly, confront the individual in a constructive manner and make sure not to express personal frustrations. Help them identify situations in which they are missing out due to hearing loss when they don't need to. These areas can include withdrawal from social gatherings, difficulty hearing on the phone and more. If the individual can recognize the symptoms of hearing loss that exist and their effects on their ability to effectively communicate it will increase ...

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National Family Caregivers Month

November 3, 2022

Observed every November since President Clinton signed a proclamation in 1997, National Family Caregivers Month is a time to recognize and celebrate the millions of people in the U.S. who compassionately and humbly care for parents, siblings, neighbors, and community members.   Grandparents, and older friends and relatives—particularly—need and benefit from the help caregivers provide, whether it’s assistance with meals, medicine, transportation or simply providing companionship.   The caregiver’s role is challenging ...

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